Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Feel Ugly

-My name is June;
-I am Russian, I am from Russia;
-I'm an amateur body piercer and avid painter;
-I write a zine called Manage Your Damage;
-I spend hours in bookstores, mostly frequenting K-W bookstore and Uppercase Books;
-In the warmer seasons I tend to be a drifter, you could see me in Guelph one day and Ottawa the next;
-I obsess over JtHM;
-My 3 music interests at the moment are Buck 65, Mary Magdalan and Muse;
-I love independent films and I strive to own film festival collections;
-I watch as much Invader Zim as I can;
-I wear glasses and they is smexy and green;
-I draw a comic called Sheila Quinn which was published in a paper no one ever reads;
-I've become a coffee addict, yet I still avoid hanging in prick coffee shops like Starbucks;
-You'll never see me without my headphones on;
-I read, research and write WAY too much and I love it;
-I'm a recovered drug-addict;
-Recovered meaning I no longer screw around with important things like life;
-I do openly smoke pot though, is it even considered a drug anymore?
-I am into body modification;
-I have piercings all over the place;
-I don't know what I'm looking for anymore...
-Maybe someone to have an intelligent conversation with;

I'm never going to be famous. My name will never be written large on the roster of Those Who Do Things. I don't do any thing. Not one single thing. I used to bite my nails, but I don't even do that any more." -Dorothy Parker


1 comment:

  1. June hi from Shian

    If you feel "NULL AND VOID" and you are enough clever to see through; Or if you need "to have an intelligent conversation with;" then you can write to me. Please DON'T use hard words - I didn't finish elemantry school. Just use simple words.

    You can send mail through linkreferral if you want.
    If I do Not answer to you, then maybe I am already dead.
    bye take care shian
