Monday, April 27, 2009

Permafuck: A Journal of Spirit Rape ♥

So I figured I would upload a few new pictures of me and my animals, I hope you like them
  1. Floppy my kitty
  2. Sammy my bunny
  3. Sammy and I chillin


  1. Your Kitty & Bunny are adorable. I have 3 cats; well 2 of them are mine and the other is my fiancees cat. :) Nice blog you have here! Keep up the good work.

  2. The bunny is adorable - I used to have 4 rabbits growing up .. the cats are too however they probably won't like me very much as I'm a dog person *sigh* cats tend to like me, purr up against my legs and then WHAM - they scratch me .. I don't get it !

  3. Cats can be so picky sometimes. A bite lets you know he's done with pets. My cat Floppy is so mellow. He never bites except for love bites and kisses. I'd be so bored without my kitty and my bunny though :)
